Two Decades Of Florida Family Law Experience

I Paid Too Much Child Support – What Can I Do?

On Behalf of | Aug 31, 2017 | Family Law

People’s lives change throughout the years and child support should be adjusted, increasing or decreasing to suit the needs of the child or to ensure that it is not causing the payee excessive hardship. If your old child support payments were higher, and you paid the old price on accident, you might be wondering if it is possible to recover some of your money. Incidentally, this question has been asked before and, in Coull v. Rottman, a family court ruled that it would violate public policy to allow the paying parent to take a credit against future support payments to recover any overpayments.

The court also ruled that the paying parent is only entitled to recover the overpayment of child support payments against his or her share of statutory add-on expenses, which is the portion of child support meant to care for a child’s educational and special needs.

If you have been paying too much child support, it is possible that you would be able to recover some of the money, but you would need the assistance of an Ocala child support attorney. Your attorney would be able to help you apply to family court to address your overpayment and, if you need a permanent modification to your payments, he or she can guide you through the process of that as well.

Child Support Attorneys in Ocala

At Ami L. DiLorenzo, our Ocala legal team can help you calculate the amount of child support payments you should be paying and help you apply for a modification of these payments when necessary. Our lead attorney, Ami L. DiLorenzo, is well-versed in all of Florida’s child support guidelines and will use her extensive knowledge to your benefit.

Contact our office today at 352-580-1141 to schedule a consultation.
