Two Decades Of Florida Family Law Experience

What is the Role of a Mediator in Your Divorce?

On Behalf of | Mar 21, 2018 | Divorce, Family Law

No one really wants to get into the thick of arguments and legal fights in a divorce that gets caught in the courtroom. No matter how contentious a divorce may be on the surface, or how upsetting the details might be that led to the decision to dissolve a marriage, each spouse will usually admit to wanting to avoid even further conflict. With mediation instructed by a specially certified mediator, the ability to sidestep more battles and headaches can become a reality.

Your Mediator’s Role

If you and your ex-spouse want to try to minimize your legal conflicts and stay out of the courtroom as much as possible, then you should talk to a mediator about using their services to end your marriage. In the most basic of definitions, a mediator will act as a neutral representative for the both of you as your divorce progresses. You, your spouse, and your chosen mediator will agree to meet – usually in the mediator’s law firm – to discuss divorce expectations and end goals. You may need to meet multiple times to reach a solution to all areas of interest.

During mediation, you may want to discuss:

Of course, the topics you may want to explore in mediation are entirely up to you and your spouse. Everything should be considered and you should not leave anything unsaid. The entire point of mediation is reinforcing the idea of cooperation to reach amicable conclusions to the most pressing issues. Your mediator will be there to encourage the conversations to keep flowing in the right direction, answer any legal questions, and write the final divorce agreement to bring to the court for approval.

What Your Mediator Will Not Do

It is important to remember that your mediator will not be taking sides during mediation. They have to remain neutral and only make a suggestion if it would benefit or be fair to both parties. In some cases, a mediator might even be barred from representing either party in case mediations fail. Remember: mediation requires cooperation between you and your spouse. It will not work if either one of you refuses to compromise.

Learn More About Mediation in a Consultation

Do you think mediation might work for your divorce? Call (352) 437-2200 to talk to a team member of Ami L. DiLorenzo, P.A. in Ocala. Attorney Ami DiLorenzo has been a Certified Florida Supreme Court Mediator for years, giving her the ability to mediate even the most complex or high-stakes of divorces. You can get a case evaluation to learn more by contacting our office today.
