Fighting For Fair Child Support
Child support is intended to ensure both parents are meeting the financial needs of their children. It is set by a specific set of guidelines that rely on a formula to calculate what is appropriate for the paying parent to provide, depending on several different factors. If you have concerns about child support payments, the Ocala legal team at the Ami L. DiLorenzo, P.A., can provide you with honest and aggressive legal representation.
Child Support Guidelines
Some of the factors considered when it comes to child support include:
- The income of both parents
- The child’s health care and child care costs
- The number of overnights each parent has with the children
Since no two families are alike, special circumstances are taken into consideration that can either raise or lower the guideline amounts. For example, a judge might consider a child’s high health care expenses as a reason for the paying parent to have higher child support payments to meet those needs. Whether the support amount is raised or lowered, a judge must always provide a written reason why he or she chose to deviate from the guideline amounts.
Legal Advocates You Can Rely On
If you are concerned about paying too much child support or worried that you are not receiving enough, the Ocala child support attorney at the law office Ami L. DiLorenzo, P.A., is here to help and to ensure your rights are protected.
Contact our office today at 352-580-1141 or send us an email to schedule a consultation with a knowledgeable member of our team.