Two Decades Of Florida Family Law Experience

When can you ask for alimony modification in Florida?

On Behalf of | Dec 19, 2023 | Divorce

Spousal support, or alimony, ensures that both partners can become financially independent after divorce. If life circumstances change, individuals may want to ask the court to modify the spousal support order accordingly.

Individuals who divorced in Florida can request alimony modification in specific cases.

Change in financial circumstances

The court may consider a modification if either person has a major change in financial status. This could include changes in income, employment or financial responsibilities.

Individuals seeking a modification should document these changes in their financial situation. You should provide evidence of income fluctuations, job loss or increased financial responsibilities.

Duration and termination events

Spousal support orders in Florida often include specific events that trigger a review or termination of alimony. Examples include the recipient spouse’s remarriage or the death of either party.

Remarriage may be the most common reason for modification. About 40% of marriages involve at least one person on a second or subsequent marriage. If a duration or termination event occurs, you should promptly notify the court. Failure to do so may lead to unnecessary financial obligations or complications.

Supportive relationships

The paying spouse can request modification or termination if the recipient has a supportive relationship. In this situation, you would have to show evidence that your former spouse shares living expenses or other finances with a third party. The person does not necessarily need to remarry for this type of modification.

Modifying spousal support orders in Florida requires a thorough understanding of the legal criteria. If the court issues a new order, it will be legally binding. In the meantime, you must follow the current spousal support order or risk other legal consequences.
