Two Decades Of Florida Family Law Experience

What You Need To Know About High-Asset Divorce

Divorce is never easy and there are many difficult decisions that must be made. When a couple acquires numerous assets, it can make things even more complicated. Make sure you have proper representation. Ami L. DiLorenzo, P.A., has worked with clients throughout Florida. Our attorney can help you understand your options.

Understanding How Your Assets Are Divided

Florida is an equitable distribution state. This means that all assets acquired and debts incurred during a marriage will be divided equally. It is best if the parties can amicably agree to how their assets and debts are divided. When that can’t happen, your case will have to go to court. No matter where your journey takes you, our attorney will do everything she can to represent you and your best interests.

Dividing your assets means more than deciding who gets the family home. It also includes businesses, retirement accounts investments and vacation properties. Each situation is different, which is why it is important to have an experienced, knowledgeable lawyer by your side. Trust someone who will prioritize your future and your needs. We can answer all of your questions and will address your concerns head-on. From beginning to end, you can expect individualized attention.

Call Today To Learn More

It is important to discuss your options with a skilled law firm before making any decisions. Don’t wait any longer to learn more about how we can help. Call our office in Ocala at 352-580-1141 to schedule a consultation today. You can also fill out our contact form online.