Two Decades Of Florida Family Law Experience

Representing Florida Parents In Paternity Proceedings

The role a father plays in the life of his child is critical to the child’s development. At the law firm of Ami L. DiLorenzo, P.A., we understand the significance of the father-child relationship. We also understand the time and emotional connection involved in establishing this important bond.

At Ami L. DiLorenzo, P.A., our founding attorney will call upon her years of experience to successfully represent you in your paternity proceedings. She takes an aggressive approach to protect clients’ interests and those of their children and will work diligently to the end.

Our law firm represents parties seeking paternity, as well as those contesting it.

Florida Paternity Law

Florida law treats fathers differently, depending on whether their children were born inside or outside of marriage.

  • Here are some important facts under Florida law and most circumstances:
  • Under Florida law, a child born to married parents is presumed to be the husband’s child.
  • When a child is born out of wedlock, and no judgment of paternity is entered, the child’s father has no immediate legal rights. The mother has 100 percent legal rights to the child.
  • For a child born out of wedlock, his or her father may still pay child support, but the law does not protect the father’s right to parenting time/child custody and/or visitation until a judgment of paternity issued and those rights are established.

Claiming Paternity

By filing a petition in a Florida family law court, you can be declared your child’s legal father. You will then have a permanently established legal relationship with the child, having legal standing to make important decisions in the child’s life.

This is a wonderful opportunity for many fathers who are sure of their biological relationship with their child. However, if you have any doubt as to your relationship, it is critical that you talk with our Ocala paternity lawyer before a final judgment of paternity is entered in your case. This is because if a final judgment is entered and you later find that you are not the father, you may still be obligated to support the child. Getting a DNA test is highly recommended.

Reach Out to Our Team Today

To schedule a consultation at the Ocala, Florida, law firm of Ami L. DiLorenzo, P.A., call us at 352-580-1141. We place great emphasis on answering e-mail inquiries as quickly as possible, so please contact us at any time with questions.