Getting divorced in Florida can be complicated. In addition to all the paperwork involved with filing for divorce, you must also pay attention to other joint legal documents. Updating your will is essential to moving forward with this new stage in life. Divorce and...
Two Decades Of Florida Family Law Experience
Month: February 2023
Ways to cope during a divorce
The United States Census Bureau reports that divorce rates decreased between 2009 to 2019. But although fewer couples are getting divorced, Florida has a 13% divorce rate. Divorce in Florida is an emotionally draining process that often affects your mental and...
States with the highest and lowest divorce rates
Staying married can be challenging. Statistics show that the chances of getting a divorce are higher in some states than others. In 2022, Florida fell in the middle as it made neither the list of states with the most or least number of divorced women per 1,000 married...