Children become the priority in any divorce case or family law dispute. The court will always try to act in a way that benefits the children and keeps them happy and healthy, just as they deserve. To this end, you should expect the court to make a child support order,...
Two Decades Of Florida Family Law Experience
Family Law
What is the Role of a Mediator in Your Divorce?
No one really wants to get into the thick of arguments and legal fights in a divorce that gets caught in the courtroom. No matter how contentious a divorce may be on the surface, or how upsetting the details might be that led to the decision to dissolve a marriage,...
Setting Up Temporary Child Support in Your Florida Divorce
For any Florida divorce involving two parents who share children together, child custody agreements will be established, followed, and enforced once the divorce finalizes. Accompanying most any child custody agreement, there will be a child support order, which...
Alimony in Florida FAQ
If you are in the midst of obtaining a divorce in Florida, you will likely have some questions regarding alimony, regardless if you are expecting to be the payee or the recipient. It is crucial to hire a divorce attorney who can guide you through this process and...
Will I Have to Go to Court to Get a Divorce?
For most, divorce is one of the most difficult experiences they will ever have to endure. Not only is it an emotional time, but the detangling of lives can become complicated from a legal standpoint, especially if you and your spouse had a particularly lengthy...
5 Reasons to Keep Your Divorce Off Social Media
The majority of adults have at least one social media account, and it can be an easy way to keep in touch with friends and family around the world. Many people post updates about their life events, share photos, and even keep an online journal of their thoughts and...
Estate Planning and Divorce 101
Going through a divorce can be an overwhelming experience full of a wealth of conflicting emotions. While in the midst of this process, it can be easy to overlook making some necessary changes to your estate plan, or assume that you can put it off to address at a...
Why Online Divorce Is a Risky Option
These days, we all use the internet for taking care of personal business, from online bill payments and ordering clothes, to dating and summoning a ride to take you to and from your destinations. It is one of the most useful tools in today’s modern society. Many are...
I Paid Too Much Child Support – What Can I Do?
People’s lives change throughout the years and child support should be adjusted, increasing or decreasing to suit the needs of the child or to ensure that it is not causing the payee excessive hardship. If your old child support payments were higher, and you paid the...
Divorcing After 50
It might seem like divorcing after the age of 50 is rare, but it is actually becoming increasingly common. According to the National Center for Family & Marriage Research, the divorce rate for those over 50 doubled between the years 1990 and 2010, earning it the...